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ESFJ stands for Extravert, Sensing, Feeling and Judging. These letters are

supposed to represent my preferences in four dimensions and characterise

my personality type. This was the result of a personality test according to

Jung's and Briggs Myers' theories of personality type during our personal

development module.

Let's get deeper into the meaning of this result…


According to Carl Jung's theory (1971) of psychological types, added by

the researcher Isabel Briggs Myers, individuals can be characterized by their



Every individuum has one dominant preference of each of the following attributes:

  • Extraverted (E) vs. Introverted (I)          The person’s energy expression

  • Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N)                    Perception of information

  • Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F)                     Judging; Processing information

  • Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P)                 Implementation of Information


As an outcome of the personality test which assembles the preferences, 16

different combinations (personality types) arise. I was characterised as ESFJ.

Surprisingly the test gives the exact percentage and states about my personality:

  • You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (44%)
    It means that my source and direction of energy expression is mainly in the external world through interaction and activities with other people.

  • You have marginal or no preference of Sensing over Intuition (1%)
    It is a tiny bit more likely that I believe and aquire information I receive from the external world, which are observable, facutal, realistic and practical. Nevertheless, past esperiences are almost from equal imporance. 

  • You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (56%)
    I definitely make decisions based on my emotions and on what I feel. I decide based on the impact on people, in line with my norms and values.

  • You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (12%)
    I organize my life events according to my plans, even though I am open to perceive outside factors and rethink my plans. I like to go ahead structured and decisive in ordr to finish topics.


The whole description of the test result is the following. I have to admit its quite accurate and I agree to what’s explained:

“Guardians of birthdays, holidays and celebrations, ESFJs are generous entertainers. They enjoy and joyfully observe traditions and are liberal in giving, especially where custom prescribes. All else being equal, ESFJs enjoy being in charge. They see problems clearly and delegate easily, work hard and play with zest. ESFJs, as do most SJs, bear strong allegiance to rights of seniority. They willingly provide service (which embodies life's meaning) and expect the same from others. ESFJs are easily wounded. And when wounded, their emotions will not be contained. They by nature ‘wear their hearts on their sleeves’ often exuding warmth and bonhomie, but not infrequently boiling over with the vexation of their souls. Some ESFJs channel these vibrant emotions into moving dramatic performances on stage and screen. Strong, contradictory forces consume the ESFJ. Their sense of right and wrong wrestles with an overwhelming rescuing, ‘mothering’ drive. This sometimes results in swift, immediate action taken upon a transgressor, followed by stern reprimand; ultimately, however, the prodigal is wrested from the gallows of their folly, just as the noose tightens and all hope is lost, by the very executioner! […] When a decision must be made, especially one involving the risk of conflict, there ensues an in-house wrestling match between the black-and-white values […]. As caretakers, ESFJs sense danger all around - germs within, the elements without, unscrupulous malefactors, insidious character flaws. The world is a dangerous place, not to be trusted. Not that the ESFJ is paranoid; 'hyper-vigilant' would be more precise. And thus, they serve excellently as protectors, outstanding in fields such as medical care and elementary education.”

(Humanmetrics, 2018. Available from: ​ 

My career choices…

Either I find myself in an occupation that involve a lot of direct interactions with other people like clients or colleagues or involve responsibility for critical tasks that require thorough attention or may have serious consequences, or both. Very often ESFJs realize their potential in health care and various community care organizations. Other favoured areas of occupation include social work, service-oriented professions as well as teaching at chools.

I have the feeling this test is very accurate. I am sure that if I can find a job in line with the previous description I will find myself very fulfilled and content, which might make me most successful in my work career.

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